Dr. Lawrence WONG Chi Wing
DBA, MBA, MSc (e-commerce), BSc (Statistics), FHKICPA, FHKA, HKBAA, HKITJC, HKiNEDA, Drucker Certified TrainerDr. Lawrence Wong chaired and talked seminar “Key Strategic Questions for Virtual Banking” and met with professionals to discuss the newly launched Virtual Banking Licenses on 27 Aug 2019.
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Participants shared their views about the challenges and opportunities of the banking industry in Hong Kong and predicted how the new virtual bankers to position themselves to offer attractive services to win over their competitors and traditional bankers.
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Tags: #BigDataEliteAsia|#DrLawrenceWong|#HKINEDA|#LapmanLee|#NewEconomyTaskForce|#TrainingAccreditationTaskForce|#VirtualBanking