Dr. Lawrence WONG Chi Wing
DBA, MBA, MSc (e-commerce), BSc (Statistics), FHKICPA, FHKA, HKBAA, HKITJC, HKiNEDA, Drucker Certified TrainerStart
July 12, 2018 - 1:30 pm
July 12, 2018 - 4:30 pm
Sheraton Hong Kong, 20 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong View mapCategories
Digital TransformationDr. Lawrence Wong spoke on Kingdee “Enterprise Transformation Forum 2018” in Sheraton Hong Kong on 12 July 2018.
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Dr. Lawrence Wong talked about how big data affects business development of new economy enterprises.
Glad to meet a lot of industry leaders and listened to the experts sharing on the core opportunities and challenges of the ABCDE domains.
A: “Artificial Intelligence”
B: “Big Data”
C: “Cloud Innovation”
D: “Human Resources Digitalization”
E: “E-commerce Integration”
General Information
Date: 12 July 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 1:45 – 4:45 pm
Venue: Sheraton Hong Kong, 20 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
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Tags: #AI|#BigData|#Cloud|#DigitalWorkplace|#DrLawrenceWong|#eCommerce|#ERP|#Kingdee|#NewEconomy|#Transformation|#金蝶