Dr. Lawrence WONG Chi Wing
DBA, MBA, MSc (e-commerce), BSc (Statistics), FHKICPA, FHKA, HKBAA, HKITJC, HKiNEDA, Drucker Certified TrainerDr. Lawrence Wong talked about “New Business Models Expedited in the Big Data Era” in HKICPA Seminar on 23 Nov 2017 in Hong Kong Institute of CPAs.
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In the information age, companies are all urging for digital transformation through utilizing digital technologies, such as Internet of Things, Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC). These technologies innovate new business models, develop new products and services, and connect consumer channels with markets electronically. With these technologies, enterprises can transform themselves into digital businesses and overturn the traditional industries and stand out from the others through cross-industry competition.
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General Information
Date: 23 November 2017 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Venue: Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Outcome Economy and Platform Strategy
• Outcome economy: from “Product Oriented” to “Outcome Oriented”
• Platform strategy: providing interactive platforms for targeted stakeholders and fulfilling their needs