Dr. Lawrence WONG Chi Wing
DBA, MBA, MSc (e-commerce), BSc (Statistics), FHKICPA, FHKA, HKBAA, HKITJC, HKiNEDA, Drucker Certified TrainerThe HKiNEDA Annual Conference – “Business Valuation Standards in Hong Kong” was successfully held on 19 Nov 2019 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Dr. Lawrence Wong was the chairman of the Preparation Committee and the Annual Conference. The Conference began with Handover Ceremony of President. Mr. David Li took up a notch and will be the President of HKiNEDA.
Leading with the former President of HKiNEDA Mr. Anthony Fan, Mr. David Li and representatives from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Japan, The Asia Independent Non-Executive Director Association (AsiaiNED) was announced to be inaugurated formally.
The Inauguration Ceremony of AsiaiNED accompanied by Mr. Zhang Qiang, Deputy Director-General of the Coordination of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HK. AsiaiNED would continue to make dedicated contributions in Greater China’s enormous financial and capital market.
The changing business environment makes directors’ responsibilities more important. Therefore, “Annual Conference – Business Valuation Standards in Hong Kong” brought together talents of directors and senior management of the Greater China to conducted in-depth international discussions and analysis.
We were grateful to have Ms. Tsang Chin I, Anchor at Phoenix TV, to be the Master of Ceremonies and the following professionals as the keynote speakers:
– Ms. Megan Tang, Senior Director of Corporate Finance, Securities and Futures Commission
– Dr. Jacqueline Huang, Managing Director, Hong Kong Appraisal Advisory Limited
– Mr. Sammy Lai, Partner, Deals Advisory Services, PwC China
– Mr. Ricky Lee, Managing Director, Valuation Advisory, Duff and Phelps
– Mr. Vincent Pang, Managing Director, AVISTA Group
As the chairman of New Economy Committee, Dr. Lawrence Wong acted as the keynote speaker of the event with a topic of The Hong Kong Business Valuation Standards. He also served as a guest in the panel discussion (1) to discuss on the topic “Need a set of Business Valuation Standards in Hong Kong?”.
Over 300 members and guests benefited a lot while exchanged ideas and established strong networks with different guests.
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Tags: #AnthonyFan|#BigDataEliteAsia|#DavidLi|#DeputyPresident|#DrLawrenceWong|#EdwinYeung|#HerbertHui|#HKINEDA|#INED|#JacquelineHuang|#KennethCheuk|#ManagingPartner|#MichaelFan|#NewEconomyCommittee|#RexYeung|#RoyLo|#SimonHa|#TerenceChiu|#TonyPang|#TrainingAccreditationCommittee