Dr. Lawrence WONG Chi Wing
DBA, MBA, MSc (e-commerce), BSc (Statistics), FHKICPA, FHKA, HKBAA, HKITJC, HKiNEDA, Drucker Certified TrainerThe HKiNEDA Annual Conference – “Business Valuation Standards in Hong Kong” was successfully held on 19 Nov 2019 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Dr. Lawrence Wong served as a guest in the panel discussion (1) to discuss on the topic “Need a set of Business Valuation Standards in Hong Kong?”.
Mr. Roy Lo, Deputy President of HKiNEDA hosted the panel discussion of “Need a set of Business Valuation Standards in Hong Kong?”.
The guests of the discussion are:
- Dr. Lawrence Wong Chi Wing:
Chairman, New Economy Committee of HKiNEDA
- Mr. Spencer Tse:
Partner, Deals and Valuation Advisory Services, PwC
- Mr. Vincent Pang:
Managing Director, AVISTA Group
- Mr. Rex Yeung:
Deputy President and General Secretary of HKiNEDA
Chairman, New Economy Committee of HKiNEDA
Partner, Deals and Valuation Advisory Services, PwC
Managing Director, AVISTA Group
Deputy President and General Secretary of HKiNEDA
The guests first discussed the difficulties encountered in setting business valuation standards and then discussed the reason and urgency of building business valuation standards in Hong Kong.
Dr. Lawrence Wong believed that the standard as a benchmark can help improve the objectivity and accuracy of INEDs and other stakeholders’ judgment.
Besides, based on the new economy environment, all of the guests agreed that the standard can guide the valuation of new economy companies and increase the rigor.
The discussion pointed out that it’s urgent to build a business valuation standard in Hong Kong.
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