INED Advanced Training A1: "Deep Dive of Business Valuation for INEDs"

The first module of INED Advanced Training Program was successfully held on 18 Dec 2019.


December 18, 2019 - 12:00 am


December 18, 2019 - 12:00 am

The first module of INED Advanced Training Program was successfully held on 18 Dec 2019.

As the chairman of the Training & Accreditation Committee, Dr. Lawrence Wong helped in the design of the Training Program, which aims to help professionals and experienced executives who aspire to develop a career as INEDs.

To start the module, Dr. Lawrence Wong described the overall design of the training program and then introduced Wiley Pun, director of Savills’ business and financial instrument evaluation department, to talk about the responsibility of INED in business value assessment.

Wiley Pun shared his knowledge, observations and insights from interactions with numerous boards, auditors and regulators and typical key areas that directors should enquire the business valuer. Mr. Pun had shared his insights on the following topics:

  • Responsibility of INEDs / Directors in business valuation process

  • Applicable valuation standards and framework

  • Appropriateness of various valuation approaches and its pros and cons

  • Content in business valuation reporting that requires special attention by INEDs

  • Key valuation assumptions INEDs /directors should always consider probing

Additionally, as the program director, Dr. Lawrence Wong also conducted a supplementary analysis on this topic from a professional academic perspective, helping learning partners understand the importance of business valuation.


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