INED Essentials Training M3: "Fiduciary duty and Risk Essentials"

The third module of INED Essentials Training was successfully held on 10 Mar 2020.


March 10, 2020 - 12:00 am


March 10, 2020 - 12:00 am

The third module of INED Essentials Training was successfully held on 10 Mar 2020.

As the chairman of the Training & Accreditation Committee, Dr. Lawrence Wong helped in the design of the Training Program. At first, Dr. Lawrence Wong explained the overall design of the training program and then introduced the speaker, Mr. Terence Chiu.

Along with the development of enterprises and potential corporate listings. INEDs will face more challenges and fuduciary risks as duties and liabilities changes over time. Thus, it’s essential to understand how to manage these changes and issues effectively, especially through the use of Directors and Officer (D&O) liability. Mr. Chiu has extensive experience serving as an INED.

During this module, Mr. Chiu will share knowledge about the following topics:
• What is the fiduciary duty for INEDs? How will the duty change after the company being listed?
• What is the requirement for a good INED?
• How INEDs reduce potential risks during daily work?
• How INEDs take advantages of D&O liability to protect themselves.


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