(SH) Dr. Lawrence Wong talked about “Opportunities and Challenges of Disruptive Technology" at HKU ICB.

Dr. Lawrence Wong spoke about Disruptive Technology in Shanghai on 17th December.


Dr. Lawrence WONG Chi Wing
DBA, MBA, MSc (e-commerce), BSc (Statistics), FHKICPA, FHKA, HKBAA, HKITJC, HKiNEDA, Drucker Certified Trainer


December 17, 2016 - 10:00 am


December 17, 2016 - 5:00 pm


International Convention Center, Shanghai   View map

Dr. Lawrence Wong conducted an open talk on “Disruptive Technology and Its Opportunities and Challenges”  organized by HKU Institute of China Business, on 17th December. Over 100 business professionals attended with heated discussions.


Seminar Information

In this new era of Internet+, disruptive technology is advancing fast. While it continues to improve our daily lives, disruptive technology also brings about numerous opportunities and challenges to the business world. Facing intense competition from emerging new firms, traditional firms are striving to improve and polish their business models by using disruptive technology and internet thinking. Only by this way can they survive in today’s ever-changing and competitive business world.


In this talk, Dr. Lawrence Wong has introduced the topic of “Internet Thinking” and the concepts of disruptive technology, giving insights on their opportunities and challenges. He has also shared with us the offensive-defensive strategies for both traditional and new enterprises in this modern era. The agenda was as follows:

1. Internet Thinking

  • Connectivity anywhere, anytime for anyone; and to create and capture customer value from within

2. Disruptive Technology

  • Introduction of 12 kinds of “Disruptive Technology” as summarized by McKinsey&Co.

3. Opportunities

  • How “Disruptive Technology” lower costs, lower entry barriers, and create new business models etc.

4. Challenges

  • How “Disruptive Technology” brings about uncertainty, and increase competition in the market etc.


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