Dr. Lawrence WONG Chi Wing
DBA, MBA, MSc (e-commerce), BSc (Statistics), FHKICPA, FHKA, HKBAA, HKITJC, HKiNEDA, Drucker Certified TrainerMTR invites Dr. Lawrence Wong Chi Wing, the managing partner of GCE-Consulting Ltd, to be the professional trainer in their team building activities on Dec. 2, 2015 in Hong Kong. Dr. Wong conducts a workshop and shares his valuable experience on the topic of “Managing Different Styles of Customers & Managing Customer Relationshipsand Building Trust”.

MTR is the largest rail transport system in Hong Kong, also regarded as one of the world’s leading railway operators for safety, reliability, customer service and cost efficiency, with an average weekday patronage of over 5.4 million passengers.
The merged rail network comprises nine railway lines serving Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories. The Corporation also operates the Airport Express, a dedicated high-speed link providing the fastest connections to Hong Kong International Airport and the city’s major exhibition and conference centre, AsiaWorld-Expo.
From Hong Kong, passengers can travel with ease to Guangdong Province, Beijing and Shanghai in the Mainland of China using the MTR’s intercity railway services.
Strategy is getting complicated in these days. On one hand, globalization and digitalization are disrupting all types of industries around the globe. On the other hand, these trends have been giving tremendous opportunities for companies especially in Asia. Leaders in traditional industries are looking for innovative ways to sustain their leadership while innovative start-ups are looking for business wisdom to turn their innovation into profitable business models. Technologies are becoming obsolete in a short period of time but some of them are too disruptive to be ignored. In this dynamic and turbulent era, what a business leader need the most is an excellent strategy and management, and constantly changing and enhance their ability to respond to changes.
With those two different topics of “Managing Different Styles of Customers” & “Managing Customer Relationships and Building Trust”, Dr. Wong makes the courses into two session:
1. Managing Different Styles of Customers
- Assertiveness and Responsiveness
- 4 Social Styles: Driving, Analytical, Amiable and Expressive
- Tension Management & Backup Behaviors
- Versatility
- How to identify customer styles
- Action plan to work with each of the 4 styles
2. Managing Customer Relationships & Building Trust
- Understand customer expectations
- Tips for communication with customers
- Trust equation
- Building trust
- Create trust action plan
You can click this link to view other “Strategy and Management” courses provided by GCE-Consulting: