HKiNEDA arranged to visit the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and participate in a keynote speech on corporate governance.

More than 50 independent non-executive directors (INEDs) and executive committee members attended the seminar and listened to the keynote speech “The Role of Company Directors in Corporate Governance” by Mr. Cui Yuming, Deputy Executive of ICAC – Hong Kong Center for Business Ethics Development.
Keynote Speech:
1. Responsibilities of company directors
2. Common moral hazards
3. Case Discussion-“Backdoor Trap”
4. Practical guide for enterprises
5. Corruption prevention services by ICAC
Feature Photos
Tags: #AnnaLam|#AnthonyFan|#CorporateGovernance|#DanielChui|#DavidLi|#DrLawrenceWong|#EdwinYeung|#HazelLaw|#HKINEDA|#ICAC|#JacqHuang|#KasparChan|#KennethCheuk|#MabelChu|#StephenLaw|#TerrenceChiu