June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023

As the chairman of HKINEDA’s New Economic Committee, Dr. Lawrence Wong was honored to host a lecture on 18C Specialty Technology, introducing the new 18C Listing Regulations of the Stock Exchange and providing guidance on the market value, revenue, R&D and investors of specialization technology companies listed in Hong Kong.
Two experts were invited to give special speeches. Peter Chan explained in detail the five major industries of special technology and its 20 sub-industries. Tony Chan introduced two companies preparing to be listed in 18C and made a detailed analysis.
Dr. Wong thanked EY for providing a conference venue with unparalleled sea views for about a hundred members who attended the lecture online and offline. After the meeting, dozens of people stayed at the venue to have a drink and interact with each other. On the last night, about 30 members had dinner together, chatted and spent a pleasant evening with the beautiful scenery of Victoria Harbor.
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