Dr. Lawrence WONG Chi Wing
DBA, MBA, MSc (e-commerce), BSc (Statistics), FHKICPA, FHKA, HKBAA, HKITJC, HKiNEDA, Drucker Certified TrainerDr. Lawrence Wong held a “New Economy Brainstorming Session” for HKiNEDA in “Jun Lin Ju” in Zhongshan for two consecutive days on 22-23 Sep 2018.
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- Rebecca Li: The new regulations and codes of corporate governance and the duties of the Governing Council
- Dr Jacqueline Huang: Methods and cases of valuation of new economy enterprises
- Andy Lam: The past development history of NEEQ and its future impact on the Hong Kong main board
- Dr Lawrence Wong: Business strategy, value proposition of new economic enterprises, private fundraising history of unlisted companies, as well as current market value analysis of listed companies
Thank you for the great support and sharing in the Brainstorming Session from Vincent Lee.
Through these two-days study, sharing and discussion, every participates had a deeper understanding of the new economy enterprises.
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